26 May 2007

Ultimate 'Yacht Rock' 2007 Playlist

I dunno what has come over me, but Y and I made a CD of some classic soft rock that is hittin' for the summer! She was an invaluable help with track selection, because she's always had a soft spot for a good ballad. Nate and I took a trip to 'Dubs on the Lake' in western MD last weekend and it was in heavy rotation the whole time. I used to actively hate some of this stuff (and the whole genre actually), but something about these smooth, yet rockin', grooves, achieves the right balance of cheese, overblown 70's production and hairstyles.

Here is the current playlist, don't front:

Dubs on the Lake

McHenry, MD - basically as far as you can go in Maryland before you hit W Virginia. It's a nice location for a car show, but because of the scenery and lack of a central 'cruising' strip, the whole thing is a bit chill. The best parts were driving the backroads, and staying dead even to a fairly high speed with a modded Grand National on the way home.

Baby birds in the mens room.

A bunch of PA dubbers flagged us down while we were bombing around the lakefront backroads, they gave Nate some beers and we talked some VW's. They had a 1987 16v Mk2 Gti, and a 1989 'Helios' Jetta that were bone stock and in great shape. If only I had a bigger garage...and a spare 3k.

The car of the show: a 1979 diesel Rabbit restored into a 1976 Euro Gti. This car was PERFECT, and it had an amazing 16v motor on carbs to boot. The owner built the entire thing in his garage.

Copper with urine patina. It's been done before, but the car looked cool.

15 May 2007

"Yacht Rock"

So maybe I just discovered this today thanks to Joel - but if you wanna see some of the best the internets has to offer, look no farther than YACHT ROCK.

05 May 2007

Toy ads that time forgot

This Toy Bender blog is pretty fun...I found it through Digg (By the way - MAN, did you catch the mayhem over there re: recently discovered HD DVD encryption keys?! It was classic internet goodness that probably went right by most people).

Anyways, these old toy ads rule. I haven't thought about "Burnin' Key Cars" in like forever.

01 May 2007

oh baby!! now this is a lucky bag!!

Wow, just too hot
.........if you read the badly translated page, it also tells you how this Tamiya X Porter bag can hold shoes or records. URRRRGGGGHHH, this will be semi-impossible to get I think.