18 April 2008

Biking Update

So I think I'm getting the hang of the biking thing...I did 3 rides into the city in a week, for about 40 miles total. My legs are sore but not as bad as I would have imagined, and I have no more moments of weakness on the bridge. It's an extremely satisfying feeling to get around under your own power, and I have beaten Y's 'subway vs bike race home' a few times. I have been plotting my routes using the G-Map Pedometer - a great resource for figuring out mileage. This day was a ride to work at DZ in the morning (mid-town sucks, I haven't yet found the ideal route across town) a trip to an opening at the drawing center in Soho, a meal at a pretty decent cuban place whose name escapes me, and a ride home. 15.7 miles in total.

1 comment:

blaksquirrel said...

It seems pretty safe, generally drivers here are looking for people/bikes/carts/delivery in the streets, so they have their eyes open for the most part. All things considered I'd probably agree it is safer biking here that in other cities, simply because it's more 'normal'. That sucks that people would try to hit you! The cops here hate Critical Mass, there are always problems.