There are literally millions of reviews on the web at this point, and everyone has something to say:
Chicago Sun Times, Andy Ihnatko, one of my favorite, he speaks to the scope of the product, instead of nitpicking the little things that could be fixed with an update.
Here are my 2¢: the iphone is not everything to everybody. It needs a few things and a some software updates to be "perfect". It is [regardless of what ANYONE says], a wholly new era in mobile computing. The interface and capabilities present in the iPhone, that are now fully portable and available to the masses, are straight-up science fiction. If you took this back in time to my high school self in 1992, I would be speechless. Really, think about how far things have come since then, it is CRAZY!! I understand the need to find fault with the iPhone, simply based on the ubiquity of the thing, but c'mon people - the final product is nothing but a leap forward - and it is something that should be celebrated. Apple is working with the same technology available to everyone, yet they continue to push forward and produce amazing products.
Overall: Solid feel, thin, and surprisingly well suited to a pocket.
Battery: Excellent thus far. I think I could get 1.5 days of good use if needed.
Screen: Amazing clarity. Glass screen is a perfect choice. (plastic would have been a nightmare)
OS: Very snappy, multi-touch works very well. [needs file system, and third party apps]
Headphone Jack: SUPER ANNOYING. DOESN'T WORK with my Shure headphones because it is too recessed. Worst part of the iPhone.
Keyboard: For me, very easy to use. Good prediction/error correction.
Mail: Needs a few tweaks [multiple selections, attachment tweaking] but completely usable.
Safari: It really is the internet. I can surf the web and be pretty happy.
Camera: Eh, its OK. Good for the Mo' Bloggin' I suppose. [I dig the "email to blog post" action, it has been around for a while but it still seems very futuristic to me]
EDGE: Not as bad as I feared/heard, at least in NYC. I tested 15k/sec downloads, which is completely usable to me. [WiFi was 37k/sec, G5 is 400+/k, all at the house]
The most telling thing to me (and
Y), is the fact that I'm completely happy to check my mail and even surf the web from this device...with my 23" LCD and G5 sitting on my desk a few feet away. The iPhone is obviously not a replacement, but it is so finely crafted that it demands attention, and it practically begs you to use it.
[just posted,
Apple Care for the iPhone. Expensive at $249, but potentially worth it since battery replacement and 'rental' phones are included. Just don't drop it.]