20 November 2007

Ah, the 80's...

05 November 2007

Ride Bikes

Check out this bike blog, run by Robert (otherwise known as DJ Bobble). I just got an old Cannondale road bike a week ago, which I am going to start riding to work. 

21 September 2007

Amen brother!

I LOOOOOVE this video, which is a mini documentary on the 'Amen' break and its history. The video is not so visually interesting, but this is very well done.

01 September 2007

Instant Club Hit

The ICH got a small update, with mixes to follow. The recent 10GB iDisk update is great, I was completely out of room for hosting the mixes...one of the reasons things have been so slack over there. 

31 August 2007

tony's birthday dinner: polaroid style

tony just celebrated his 32nd, and yuko brought along the old school polaroid cam she uncovered at work. the film is a bit expensive, but it is pretty fun to shoot in the age of the digi-cam...there is something great about the instant gratification (like digital) mixed with the reality of the unique photograph.

30 August 2007

It's Video Thursday!!

I'm at a loss for words on this one - Just look at how these crazy cats are jumping around! Shit is out-of-control~~!! I actually love me some cats, but I think this would be too many.

Jamie Oliver on Top Gear (Season 2). This is kind of old, but posted due to the Stig driving Jamies Porsche motored VW Bus around the track (while Jamie tries to cook in the back). My old friend Robert is doing a similar conversion on a 50's bus, to use as his shop truck. I'm a serious sucker for the old school bus - so I can't wait to see it finished.

Last but not least, a funny clip from Dave Chapelle's standup special "For What It's Worth". I've watched a lot of comedy over the years, and I think Dave is my favorite comedian of all time. Eddie Murphy was great back in the day (with Delirious and Raw), but you really can't mess with the Chappelle delivery and wit. 

27 July 2007

Go O's!

The yankees are in town, and the Birds need to whip dat ass!!

11 July 2007

The Brick Brothers

This LEGO blog [The Brothers Brick] is pretty cool. There are tons of personal creations here, and it really makes me want to dig up all my LEGO's from the parents attic.

06 July 2007

iPhone, My definitive word?

There is really no escaping it, the iPhone is/was one seriously hyped product - I myself waited in line with Y for 12 hours at the Fifth Ave Apple store to be one of the first to get one. It was a pretty good time, and the time passed quickly. It was a complete media circus, and I was interviewed by CNBC. I'm fairly camera shy (because I'm a photographer?) and the questions were pretty dumb - I'd be happy to get nerdy with the TWITS, but I had nothing scandalous to provide to the masses. We did make yahoo though. [thats me in the red/blue hat]

There are literally millions of reviews on the web at this point, and everyone has something to say:
Chicago Sun Times, Andy Ihnatko, one of my favorite, he speaks to the scope of the product, instead of nitpicking the little things that could be fixed with an update.

Here are my 2¢: the iphone is not everything to everybody. It needs a few things and a some software updates to be "perfect". It is [regardless of what ANYONE says], a wholly new era in mobile computing. The interface and capabilities present in the iPhone, that are now fully portable and available to the masses, are straight-up science fiction. If you took this back in time to my high school self in 1992, I would be speechless. Really, think about how far things have come since then, it is CRAZY!! I understand the need to find fault with the iPhone, simply based on the ubiquity of the thing, but c'mon people - the final product is nothing but a leap forward - and it is something that should be celebrated. Apple is working with the same technology available to everyone, yet they continue to push forward and produce amazing products.

Overall: Solid feel, thin, and surprisingly well suited to a pocket.

Battery: Excellent thus far. I think I could get 1.5 days of good use if needed.

Screen: Amazing clarity. Glass screen is a perfect choice. (plastic would have been a nightmare)
OS: Very snappy, multi-touch works very well. [needs file system, and third party apps]

Headphone Jack: SUPER ANNOYING. DOESN'T WORK with my Shure headphones because it is too recessed. Worst part of the iPhone.

Keyboard: For me, very easy to use. Good prediction/error correction.

Mail: Needs a few tweaks [multiple selections, attachment tweaking] but completely usable.
Safari: It really is the internet. I can surf the web and be pretty happy.

Camera: Eh, its OK. Good for the Mo' Bloggin' I suppose. [I dig the "email to blog post" action, it has been around for a while but it still seems very futuristic to me] 

EDGE: Not as bad as I feared/heard, at least in NYC. I tested 15k/sec downloads, which is completely usable to me. [WiFi was 37k/sec, G5 is 400+/k, all at the house]

The most telling thing to me (and Y), is the fact that I'm completely happy to check my mail and even surf the web from this device...with my 23" LCD and G5 sitting on my desk a few feet away. The iPhone is obviously not a replacement, but it is so finely crafted that it demands attention, and it practically begs you to use it.

[just posted, Apple Care for the iPhone. Expensive at $249, but potentially worth it since battery replacement and 'rental' phones are included. Just don't drop it.]

01 July 2007

Soho drift style


30 June 2007

08 June 2007

Apple Phone Show

So I'm really jones'in for the ole' iPhone...hopefully my remaining connections in the Apple retail universe (I was opening staff at the SoHo store after all!;) can come through with one for me on opening day. I'm about to do some recon at the Queens Blvd AT&T store as well (all ATT stores are rumored to get 20 phones).

I'm linking to the 'Apple Phone Show' blog and podcast in the hopes that I'll win another one in their contest. [and you really should check out the TWIT family if you haven't already]

Actually, since I know some people out there are podcast impaired, here is my rotation:
This Week In Tech
This Week In Science
Talking Metal
The Totally Rad Show
MacBreak Weekly
This Week In Media
The Apple Phone Show
Muldower in the Morning
KFI Tech Guy

06 June 2007

Datsun 280-Z "TURBO DRIVEN!!!11!!"

Shop Boyz

For whatever reason, this song is totally retARTed, yet extremely catchy. Bass hit for the summer if'n you ask me...and they get extra points for the GTO in the video. Ryan and I heard this back to back on multiple stations in bmore over the last weekend.

05 June 2007

Vans 'RAD' pack

Not sure what color to get, the 'Team RAD' or 'Mongoose'.

Do the right thing: Sesame Street Edition

26 May 2007

Ultimate 'Yacht Rock' 2007 Playlist

I dunno what has come over me, but Y and I made a CD of some classic soft rock that is hittin' for the summer! She was an invaluable help with track selection, because she's always had a soft spot for a good ballad. Nate and I took a trip to 'Dubs on the Lake' in western MD last weekend and it was in heavy rotation the whole time. I used to actively hate some of this stuff (and the whole genre actually), but something about these smooth, yet rockin', grooves, achieves the right balance of cheese, overblown 70's production and hairstyles.

Here is the current playlist, don't front:

Dubs on the Lake

McHenry, MD - basically as far as you can go in Maryland before you hit W Virginia. It's a nice location for a car show, but because of the scenery and lack of a central 'cruising' strip, the whole thing is a bit chill. The best parts were driving the backroads, and staying dead even to a fairly high speed with a modded Grand National on the way home.

Baby birds in the mens room.

A bunch of PA dubbers flagged us down while we were bombing around the lakefront backroads, they gave Nate some beers and we talked some VW's. They had a 1987 16v Mk2 Gti, and a 1989 'Helios' Jetta that were bone stock and in great shape. If only I had a bigger garage...and a spare 3k.

The car of the show: a 1979 diesel Rabbit restored into a 1976 Euro Gti. This car was PERFECT, and it had an amazing 16v motor on carbs to boot. The owner built the entire thing in his garage.

Copper with urine patina. It's been done before, but the car looked cool.

15 May 2007

"Yacht Rock"

So maybe I just discovered this today thanks to Joel - but if you wanna see some of the best the internets has to offer, look no farther than YACHT ROCK.

05 May 2007

Toy ads that time forgot

This Toy Bender blog is pretty fun...I found it through Digg (By the way - MAN, did you catch the mayhem over there re: recently discovered HD DVD encryption keys?! It was classic internet goodness that probably went right by most people).

Anyways, these old toy ads rule. I haven't thought about "Burnin' Key Cars" in like forever.

01 May 2007

oh baby!! now this is a lucky bag!!

Wow, just too hot
.........if you read the badly translated page, it also tells you how this Tamiya X Porter bag can hold shoes or records. URRRRGGGGHHH, this will be semi-impossible to get I think.

27 April 2007

watch out for the 'lucky bag'!

Jeez, this seems a little messed up to me...just be wary of any bags of goodies that are left on the subway!

26 April 2007

Wow.....just Wow...

I don't even know what to say about this one, just that a picture is worth at least 10,000 words in this case.

Ewe've been conned ladies

Turns out that this was an 'urban legend'. The picture of the sheep is still funny.

18 April 2007

Greatest Living American

Yeah yeah, no posts in a while...

I was previously the victim of the 'bloggers paradox' *, but since I got me a part time art handlin' job at a gallery to supplement my slow picture days, I am now free to tell you about the:

"Greatest Living American"

(It's a Colbert google hi-jink, I hope it works)

*Bloggers paradox = If you have no 'real job' and post things on a blog, people are inclined to think you just surf the internet all day. Even if this is true, it is not the image you want to present. When you have a job, and feel OK about wasting time on the internets, you conversely do not have this time to post crap on your blog.

27 March 2007

I-95 Baltimore "Airs"

Some of these look pretty cool, I just have to figure out which one pair I should get. ???

-via kixandthecity

VODCars: VW Fun

It is freaking INSANE how hard the Golf I runs the Supra and Porsche in the middle of this vid.

25 March 2007

Despair, Inc

Neal sent me this one - and it is grade A. Just go look: Despair, Inc.

Greg Martin, Fireladders of Soho

I used to work with Greg a few years ago, and he recently got Gothamisted! He did a drawing of every fire escape in Soho, with a map showing the building location. The drawings themselves are simple and really nice. This kind of stuff really appeals to the cataloging side of my brain, and I like the fact that it is a historical record of sorts.

21 March 2007

Jeff Staple, Inquiring Minds

Interesting interview with Jeff Staple of Reed Space.


19 March 2007

Cooking Mama!!

Hey hey, guess what comes out tomorrow!! Not sure why, but this game looks really fun - I hope it lives up to the expectations. Somehow the thought of 'iron chef' cooking battles with the wii actions seems like a good time.

16 March 2007

(No?) Fun, Fun, Fun on the Autobahn

I've been to Germany a few times, and spent a month there last year working on an art project with Vera Lutter (She has a show up now at Gagosian, so go see it!). I understand the basis for the reasonings on an Autobahn speed limit - but I have to say as a certified car nut, that there is nothing better than driving on the Autobahn. The free-for-all-whatever-lane-at-whatever-speed meanderings of the drivers on the NJ Turnpike are gone...and replaced with a finely tuned set of "rules of the road". Above all, stay out of the left lane, and if you dare venture into it, watch out for the Mercedes/Audi/BMW/Porsche closing at 140+ Miles per hour. I managed 155mph flat out in a rented C-Class on the first trip, and barely 70mph in the Ford Ka work car last time (A little scary at times, that thing was a dogg). Even at normal speeds the German highways work so well they should be preserved as they are, and as most unique things are, cherished. A modern wonder of the world, if you will.

15 March 2007

Daylight Robbery II

Super low res, but cool videos of squirrels running obstacle courses.


I just found BuzzFeed, so I'm not sure if it is ultimately cheezy, but for now it is interesting. Kottke is also on the staff, so it can't be all bad.

I was reading about "Passover Coke", which is similar to "Hencho in Mexico Coke" (which I can personally vouch for).

14 March 2007

13 March 2007

NASA - Stereo Eclipse

Must-see video of the moon moving in front of the sun. You can actually see the sun burning!

11 March 2007


Really interesting stuff at BibliOdyssey, even though I just looked at the first bit of it. Old prints and manuscripts are where it's at!

via BoingBoing

Staple Pigeon New Era

I ran into this beauty of a hat at Reed Space today and had to pick it up. I was eyeing New Eras at their store yesterday, but I'm seriously glad I held back. Even though the logo is based on the infamous 'Pigeon' Dunk (which somehow makes it a little annoying) that caused 'riots' when it came out a while back, I love the big ass Rock Dove on the front. Another bonus is the fact that I hadn't seen this hat before, it seemed like they had just got it in - and none of the usual suspects had posted about it.

I guess I'm turning into a serious bird nerd too, and even though people love to hate on the pigeon, they are amazing creatures when you know a bit about them. So I'm ditching the Oriole Bird for the humble Pigeon, at least for a while.

08 March 2007

BBC on Banksy

Banksy does cool stuff, more info here of course.

-via Hypebeast

Super Mario Galaxy

Wow, this looks pretty good!! It will be definitely be coming out later this year for the good ole' Wii.

I want some Space Invader sox!

So who do I know that can knit me up some-o-these......hmmmmmmmm.......

-via BoingBoing

07 March 2007

Zelda music of golden proportions

This is pretty interesting, I know what music I like but I really have no idea of the 'technical' side of things. The Tanooki breaks it down with the always good Zelda.

-via Kottke

06 March 2007

yea! 5% stupid!

StupidTester.com says I'm 5% Stupid! How stupid are you? Click Here!

For whatever reason, these quizzes are irresistable to me. It's like a nice shiny piece of metal~!

05 March 2007


Speaking of old school internet goodness, check out this TOTALLY AWESOME REWORK!!!

Thanks Boing Boing

Going back, all the way to 1998

Make sure you have some speakers [for full effect]. Enjoy the memories.

[via this comments on this post on DIGG]

04 March 2007

New PBMW magazine

I have a nice feature in the April 2007 issue of Performance BMW magazine - I used to shoot quite a bit for them, and I'm happy to get a feature back in there. They always do a really nice job with the printing, and they ran a centerfold of this image. It should be on news stands soon.

Gregory L. Blackstock

I picked up this book on artist Gregory L. Blackstock randomly at St. Marks Books while waiting to meet up with Tony and Yuko. The cover grabbed me because it is a bunch of crows - I've been really into birds lately, and crows are ace. He is a pretty amazing artist savant that does drawings of various 'lists' of objects. The drawings are simple but completely effective, and I love the good natured way he works.

18 February 2007

First Post, The Basics

I've been meaning to do this for a while! This will be updated more regularly than my music site Instant Club Hit, and it will have all sorts of random stuff I'm into at the moment.

Make sure you hit up The WX4 whilst you're at it.